What Is Palliative Medicine?

Compassionate Wellness Center can provide a palliative care team for you or a loved one struggling with chronic pain or illness. Our team of providers takes pride in delivering compassionate care for patients at all stages of an illness.

What Is Palliative Medicine?

Palliative medicine is a sector of medical care that focuses on patients with chronic illnesses, debilitating injuries, or chronic pain that need extra support. Palliative care includes pain management, medication management, and mental health care to help the patient maintain a good quality of life.

Palliative medicine can be administered alongside medical treatments, depending on the patient's priorities. Hospice care is similar to palliative medicine but focuses on end-of-life patients, prioritizing the patient's comfort and quality of life over restoring health and prolonging life.

Who Needs Palliative Care?

Palliative care helps patients with chronic pain or illness maintain their health and live as well as they can. It can benefit any patient who needs relief from symptoms to live better. Suppose you or a loved one are living with a chronic pain condition, cancer, or a progressive disease like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, kidney failure, or multiple sclerosis. In that case, palliative care provides support to you and your family.

Palliative Care Teams

A palliative or hospice care team can be provided when we decide a patient needs an extra level of support or more constant care. When a patient needs palliative medicine in Hagerstown, MD, we assemble a team of providers to help them live as well as they can. Palliative care teams include physicians and pain management doctors who have studied the patient's case and have the same goals for their care.

With all chronic conditions, it is important to manage mental health. A care team typically includes a social worker or psychologist for the patient to help manage their stress levels and mood when facing an illness. Counseling is also important for the patient's family and caregivers, and our team aims to treat the whole family unit.

Meet Us Today

If you have more questions about palliative care in Hagerstown, MD, the staff of Compassionate Wellness Center can help. Contact us for an appointment today at (240) 513-6001.

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