What Does Psychiatric Rehabilitation Include?

Compassionate Wellness Center, serving Hagerstown, MD, and the nearby region, does have a staff ready to help those who are struggling with mental illnesses that are taking a toll on their lives. No matter which one you choose, you'll receive care from a practitioner who has your best interests at heart. And this makes all the difference. This care that we provide is known as psychiatric rehabilitation, and you may wonder exactly what it is.

General Information

Ultimately psychiatric rehabilitation can enable a person with a mental illness currently hindering them from leading a normal life to function intellectually, emotionally, and socially. The goal is for the person to be able to work, live, and learn in their environment. Our practitioners will help you to live life again.

Crisis Intervention

The specialists at our psychiatric rehabilitation facility in Hagerstown, MD, can help if you're in a crisis that stemmed as a result of your mental health disorder or attributed to your condition. We'll discuss the problem, help you determine options, and guide you to places that can help.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

The point of cognitive behavior therapy is to help a person problem solves. They learn how their actions are affecting their mental state and lives. Specifically, your counselor will discuss the relationship between your beliefs, thoughts, behaviors, and feelings. It's a type of talk therapy that can help you target the underlying factors that could be contributing to your mental health negatively.

Dual-Diagnosis Treatment

Truthfully, having more than one mental problem affecting you at the same time is common. And one of those conditions could be worsening the other or causing it. We can offer dual-diagnosis treatment to target both simultaneously.

Skills Teaching

We understand that a lack of skills paired with a mental problem that could've affected your life in a number of ways can lead to difficulty finding a job and housing. That's why, at Compassion Wellness Center, we want to target the root of the problem and help you build your skills.

Wellness Recovery Action Planning

No one-size-fits-all approach exists for those battling a mental health disorder. Each case is incredibly unique, and treatment may consist of a number of treatments. Sometimes, only one treatment is used, but in other cases, we may need to use more than one.

Compassionate Wellness Center, serving Hagerstown, MD, and the general vicinity, is geared toward helping people recover from a mental illness. We help you to get into life and learn the coping skills necessary and can help you problem solve.

Book an appointment with us today at (240) 513-6001.

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8:00 am-4:30 pm


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